Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tears of Joy.

That's right, THE GIANTS WON THE WORLD SERIES!! Finally, SF has a world series title to call their own.

Sadly though, I had class this morning so I couldn't follow the game online, although I was sorely tempted to skip. Upon returning to my room though and finding out, I'll admit I shed a few tears of joy.

Who would've thought  at the beginning of this year that the Giants would go all the way? Not many. Regardless, that's the beauty of sports. So go ahead and celebrate San Francisco, it's definitely long-over due. I'd give anything to be there now myself.

But since I can't, I'll celebrate here on my own in Beijing (where no one I've met follows baseball).

PS. For those of you who couldn't care less about baseball, you'll be happy know that the World Series marks the end of the baseball season in the United States. After today, there shouldn't be any more baseball-related posts. Well..at least maybe not until the spring agian.

So long Giants! Amazing job this year and we'll see you again in 2011!

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